OrderForward is a Chrome extension that serves as "glue" between Sonlet and your invoicing system (Old Bless, New Bless, or Square (for backup invoicing)). After installation, you'll see some new buttons on your Sales page in Sonlet. Just click the "Bless" button and your Sonlet sale will be transferred over to the Bless invoice screen, with all customer information and sale details fully populated. No more copy/paste! No need to worry about compliance either. The extension is simply "copying and pasting" information (in a highly secure manner) from one tab of your browser to another. It's not actually logging in to Bless on your behalf.


- Convert a Sonlet sale into a Bless or Square invoice with one click.

- Create custom templates for your invoice notes. This can include everything from customer information to item image links(!).

Take a look at this thing in action to get a better idea of just how easy this is going to make your life:


New Bless Customer Signup integration for Sonlet/OrderForward is here! Here's a 30 second demo of the feature in action:


Download it here! https://chrome.google.com/…/noopgbldbbeekpjepdkjjgejekbnojci

