Problem: there are no albums showing in the drop down menu to select for Facebook posting in SmartPost, the Inventory page, or Manual Listings.

When you are able to see the groups you admin, but albums are not populating to select, installing (or reinstalling) the Sonlet app to the Facebook group and then resetting your account's permissions will clear up the problem. This is a new requirement from Facebook as of the beginning of August 2018.

Here's how to do it:
First, go to your group's edit page by clicking "...More" on the group page and selecting "Edit Group Settings".

Once you're on the group edit page, scroll down to find the app section and click "add apps".

A window will pop up and you can use the search field to find the Sonlet app; once it appears in the filtered search results, go ahead and click it.

Another window will pop up allowing you to select Sonlet for your group; click "add":

Now Sonlet should display in your apps:

You can view Facebook's instructions for installing an app in your group here. 

After installing the app in your Facebook group(s), you must log out of Facebook through Sonlet and log in again to grant permissions and establish a fresh connection.

It's critical that you use the correct Log Out button to do this. You need to click the blue Facebook "Log Out" button on Sonlet (Do not log out of, or; this happens within the Sonlet website).  You can find the button on your Inventory page.  It looks like this:

Go ahead and click Log Out.
You should now see that the Facebook Log Out button has turned into a Log In button.  Refresh your page once again for good measure and then click the Log In button:

After clicking Log In, you'll need to click through a few screens to grant Sonlet access to your account.

Click "Continue as <Your Name>".  Make sure you don't modify any of the information we receive (in other words don't use the "Edit This" button).
Next you'll be asked to grant permissions for Sonlet to post to Facebook groups for you.  Again, don't click the "choose what you allow" option, just click "OK".

This process should make it possible to post to Facebook. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way.